Finally a new vehicle! It's the 1st vehicle since Canis Bodhi without HD interior. Some may ask why did I do that. Well, the answer is - I wanted to save a lot of time. And then you may say: "But the last mod was released like 3 months ago". Well, I've been working on several vehicles at the same time. I'll release the following vehicles soon:
- Albany Emperor
- Ubermacht Oracle II
- Declasse Premier 1992
- Declasse Premier 1992 Taxi
- Declasse Premier 1992 Police
- Willard Elegant
- Vapid Stanier I
- Vapid Speedo Classic
- Vapid FMJ
- Pegassi Reaper
- Grotti Cheetah
GTA 5 Dewbauchee Rapid GT converted and edited to GTA San Andreas by M4k3.
Original model and textures: Rockstar Games.
Replaces Euros by default.
- Custom collision, flat shadow. LOD is from GTA V.
- Custom settings.
- SAMP friendly (no sinking wheels, doesn't crash when tuned).
- GTA SA numberplates. Custom numberplate can be installed with paintjobs.
- Supports paintjobs with transparency (alpha channel).
- Realistic damages and materials.
- Supports ImVehFt (indicators, brake lights, reverse lights, head lights and tail lights).
- Has petrol cap.
- Textures with mip-mapping.
- Tunable in TransFender.
- Requires ImVehFt 2.1.1 (the lights + brake hubs and custom colors).
- Custom reflections (GFX Hack is required).
- 3 car colors support (primary - body paint, secondary - unused, tertiary - wheels, quaternary - windows tint).
- GTA SA styled reflections, scratches and lights.
- 1 car color support.
No funciona las texturas de la vecion imvehft el txd esta dañado